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ニュース 各部門の活動 2024年度

An Annual Student Experience Review: A framework for collating and responding to students

主  催:
講  師:
Jim McKinley教授
日  時:


The FLA held a Faculty Development Workshop titled “An Annual Student Experience Review: A framework for collating and responding to students.” The event, held in Room 10-301, featured Prof. Jim McKinley from University College London.

Prof. McKinley, the Academic Head of Learning and Teaching, presented the Annual Student Experience Review (ASER) model used at UCL Institute of Education. He highlighted the model’s effectiveness in systematically addressing student concerns, ranging from employability skills to classroom conditions, ensuring continuous program improvement.

The workshop facilitated productive discussions. Participants explored prevalent student issues at Sophia University, such as co-taught courses and the use of course evaluation forms, and shared diverse approaches for managing these concerns. The session concluded with a discussion of potentially adopting the ASER framework at Sophia University in order to enhance the responsiveness and quality of the student experience.

This workshop offered an opportunity for our faculty to explore a more structured feedback mechanisms in maintaining academic excellence and student satisfaction. It also allowed for thinking about how to make ongoing improvements in the faculty’s engagement with student feedback.


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